Sunday, February 3, 2013

Megacon 2013: Here I come!

Hello, Cosplayers of the nation and world.

 So here I am today, attempting to create a blog. This is honestly mostly for me to write down all my hilarious, unexpected or expected and just gone wrong adventures in my life. Oh, but you can read along if you'd like!

At the moment, I'm getting everything ready for Megacon. It's a convention in Orlando, Florida. It'll be my first time 'traveling' for a convention and I'm excited because I'll be going with a group of friends. Here's a link for the lovely people who are having a wtf face on right now:

If anyone is planning to go, please tell me! I love meeting new people and it gives me a chance to be social LOL.

Anyhow, I'll be going all weekend. I'll post pictures of what I'll be cosplaying there later so people can actually recognize me. Reason being is because I went to Animate Con about two-three weeks ago and I went as Celty for two days but since there was another Celty one of my friends from DA was confused on who I was.

I had a huge scythe.
How was I not recognizable, lol.
                                                                [Photo credit to FDSedanoArts]

The scythe looks alot smaller than what it is in that photo, but I swear that thing is huge in person, lmao.
In fact, so many people wanted to take pictures with me just because of it lol... There were little kids who wanted a photo and it was so cute because I'd tell them to grab onto the scythe with me and they would look at me with a face like, 

It was way too adorable! ;n; 
I'll be cosplaying this again for Megacon, so look out for me and come say hi! I'll even let you pet my pole, eh? ;) LOL.

I swear I'm not that big of a pervert.
Just enough for satisfaction kthx.

If you want to find me on DA, here's the link:

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